Before i display the complete news let me frame your mind to an essential fact that probability is calculated by men but created by GOD,that's the reason that probability of anything can not be governed by human calculation though there were 75% chances that there will be no collusion but still it happened since 25% was heavy than 75% that day.
"A mini truck and Fiat 500 Abarth car
underwent a side on collusion the disastrous accident
caused the over turning of truck , truck driver jhonson suffered from a limb injury though he is now out of danger the accident story though turned mysterious when no one was found in the car ,investigation team found out that car belonged to a girl gracy thompson who is reported missing by her husband no bloodshed found in the car confirms that she went fine after the accident as air bag system of car worked efficiently.The missing story seem to have more mysterious roots. "
Last Night:
Gracy shouts:"look out paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
It all went dark for a while ,Car was sliding down the street on its right side vertically the friction was playing it's role a loud sound of metal burning the road was trembling the silence , The blurred vision of Paul became clear he could feel the cracking of every piece of glass in car the vibration was so intense that he could feel each shiver of his bones time became slow he could see each piece of glass floating inside the car but the life bags burst ed out with immense thrust finally the sliding stopped all sounds had turned into frightful silence.
Paul: (shaking his head and speaking in low hissing sound )Gracyy!!! open your eyes .
Gracy:(coming back to senses)What happened ??What was it i can't feel my legs.
Paul: (Throwing his hands quickly down the seat )they are ok just stuck saying this he punctured the life bags
Paul:Come on we are fine try to move out saying this he climbed up from the window and gave his hand to gracy,she stumbles but manages to grab his hand and climb out.
They looked around and went near the truck , driver was unconscious but seemed to be fine ,Paul pulled him out of the truck , he was breathing he took out his cell phone and called the ambulance .
The cold winds and extreme shock had removed the effect of alcohol from both of them , Gracy was shivering and holding Paul tightly .
Though the effect of alcohol was eliminated but while they were drunk some of the hidden mysteries of there subconscious mind were now placed into there conscious mind may be this was the reason that Gracy asked a question to Paul
"Paul i don't understand one thing will you help me ?? We have just met with an accident its so cold here everything is so uncomfortable so terrifying and troubling still I am very happy standing beside you and holding your hand "
Paul replied after a long silence:" The answer of your question is standing in front of you because the answer of your question is me saying this he held her more tightly"
Paul :"Gracy do you want to see where this road ends???"
Gracy: "YES!!!!!"
Paul:"Let's go saying this they started moving down the road"
Gracy turned back few steps and picked up the bottle of scotch lying in one piece without a single scratch which i will call a gift of probability .
"Holding each other they vanished in the silence and darkness to find out the end of road which they wish will never come. I believe they are still walking down that road Do you ?????????????????"

"A mini truck and Fiat 500 Abarth car
underwent a side on collusion the disastrous accident
caused the over turning of truck , truck driver jhonson suffered from a limb injury though he is now out of danger the accident story though turned mysterious when no one was found in the car ,investigation team found out that car belonged to a girl gracy thompson who is reported missing by her husband no bloodshed found in the car confirms that she went fine after the accident as air bag system of car worked efficiently.The missing story seem to have more mysterious roots. "
Last Night:
Gracy shouts:"look out paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
It all went dark for a while ,Car was sliding down the street on its right side vertically the friction was playing it's role a loud sound of metal burning the road was trembling the silence , The blurred vision of Paul became clear he could feel the cracking of every piece of glass in car the vibration was so intense that he could feel each shiver of his bones time became slow he could see each piece of glass floating inside the car but the life bags burst ed out with immense thrust finally the sliding stopped all sounds had turned into frightful silence.
Paul: (shaking his head and speaking in low hissing sound )Gracyy!!! open your eyes .
Gracy:(coming back to senses)What happened ??What was it i can't feel my legs.
Paul: (Throwing his hands quickly down the seat )they are ok just stuck saying this he punctured the life bags
Paul:Come on we are fine try to move out saying this he climbed up from the window and gave his hand to gracy,she stumbles but manages to grab his hand and climb out.
They looked around and went near the truck , driver was unconscious but seemed to be fine ,Paul pulled him out of the truck , he was breathing he took out his cell phone and called the ambulance .
The cold winds and extreme shock had removed the effect of alcohol from both of them , Gracy was shivering and holding Paul tightly .
Though the effect of alcohol was eliminated but while they were drunk some of the hidden mysteries of there subconscious mind were now placed into there conscious mind may be this was the reason that Gracy asked a question to Paul
"Paul i don't understand one thing will you help me ?? We have just met with an accident its so cold here everything is so uncomfortable so terrifying and troubling still I am very happy standing beside you and holding your hand "
Paul replied after a long silence:" The answer of your question is standing in front of you because the answer of your question is me saying this he held her more tightly"
Paul :"Gracy do you want to see where this road ends???"
Gracy: "YES!!!!!"
Paul:"Let's go saying this they started moving down the road"
Gracy turned back few steps and picked up the bottle of scotch lying in one piece without a single scratch which i will call a gift of probability .
"Holding each other they vanished in the silence and darkness to find out the end of road which they wish will never come. I believe they are still walking down that road Do you ?????????????????"