Snob Meaning : A snob believes that some people are inherently inferior to him or her for any one of a variety of reasons, including real or supposed intellect, wealth or education.
A trademark nature of being snobby exists in most of the regions of Delhi you can feel it around as it is a part of aura each snobby reflects .Being a snob is not anybody's hobby but the environment surrounding the individual is the biggest reason of this behavior which makes a person so much limited to himself.

Snobbishness has a very large circle though i don't feel any complex due to this behavior but many people do feel and this blog is for such people.
How will you recognize such people??Actually it's very easy if they are a normal stranger they will wear the most uncomfortable outfit ,they don't walk the same way they do in their home,they will give you a critical look and than pretend like you are invisible.I don't laugh at them because i am not snobby myself.
If they are in your friends they will be well aware of you choice of taste to clothes and will seriously comment on them ,trust me they do it to lower their complex as they want to be someone they are not.
If a snobby reads this he must ask him/herself WHY??
is he wearing such clothes
is he eating such food
is criticizing
is walking
is talking
in a way he don't want to and he will be cured of it.
Stop competing with such people and don't change yourself because of them,don't be in their army because:
The environment will automatically become a comfortable one if we make ourselves comfortable first.
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